Reflection of Learning

CHALLENGES This short seven-week summer course was demanding both physically and psychologically. The hours spent reading, researching and revising took a toll on my body and mind. The limited amount of time available to work with each of the tools that were new to me was both exciting and exasperating. I am still exploring features … More Reflection of Learning

Educational Technology – A graphic definition

AECT DEFINITION OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY “The study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources” (Januszewski & Molenda, 2013). The Graphic: In my original graphic, I decided to use the Universe as the backdrop to represent the far-reaching effects of educational technology. Study and … More Educational Technology – A graphic definition

School Evaluation Summary

Completing this assignment prompted me to consider college tuition costs, with advances in technology and training, come expenses. Our children already burdened by the high costs of college tuition. When planning to incorporate technology cost benefits and savings should be evaluated and considered. We should strive to provide high quality, accessible, affordable education in Higher … More School Evaluation Summary