Creation Calculation and Presentation

The basic software suite consists of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation tools. Word processing programs and desktop publishing software are used by students and educators to create documents. (Roblyer p.112) Spreadsheet tools are used to organize and manipulate numerical data (Roblyer p. 121), and presentation software is used to display information such as text, images, audio and video in a slideshow format. (Roblyer p.125) General advantages include improved productivity, appearance, accuracy and support for interaction and collaboration. (Roblyer p.109) An entire chapter is dedicated to integrating technology into the academic medicine handbook.  Luo, Boland, and Chan make recommendations for cloud-based collaboration of word processing, spreadsheet use for research and presentation software for creation of educational content that is rich in multimedia. (2013 p.119-121) Concluding the “advantages of web-based education are tremendous, well beyond multimedia use and distance learning” and “creation of web-based curriculum is worthy of noting on your curriculum vitae.” (Luo, Boland, Chan 2013 p. 122)

The utility of Software Document tools to store and sort documents, along with the cloud computing function that enables sharing documents proves to be very utilitarian for students and teachers alike. Document software allows hyperlinks to be creating links to external resources and can be saved in HTML for publishing to the web. (Roblyer p.112) In my practice as an educator, I require the use of Google Docs for student’s Clinical Case Studies. The students have a Gmail student account, which enables them access to the document creating software. Utilizing Google Doc is especially useful for freshman students who are generating their first case study reports. Despite having a format to follow, and approximately eight weeks to complete the assignment, many students feel overwhelmed. The are learning how to format correctly a clinical case study document, how to review a medical record and locate relevant information, and how to make clinical correlations, diagnosis and treatment recommendations based on the information.  

Having the students create their case studies using Google Docs gives me the ability to view the document in a live format.  Viewing the document live allows me to be able to assess student progress in data collection and resources, construction of correlations and interpretation of data.

The edit-ability of the text allows students to take notes and list their resources on the document, with the ability to go back later and insert content. I access the revision history to monitor progress and add comments to keep students on-track, provide encouragement or questions that elicit critical thinking.  Because it is a live document, that can be shared,  if a student is struggling with a section, I can view the actual document in the most current state, review it and be better able to assist the student.  

The program requires that students take a basic software suite training class in freshman year, the case studies are due the latter half of the first semester, so they have had formal training on how to use the software.  The feedback I have received from using this platform has been overwhelmingly positive.  In the end, students appreciate the comments, suggestions and reminders provided.  Initially, students may be concerned by the comments, but I always assure them they are never graded on the work in progress. Instead, I reinforce that the feedback is for them to utilize, to make revisions and clarify concepts. For more information watch a short (2:50) video on using Google Docs as a tool for your classroom here.

Spreadsheets are useful in providing users a graphic representation of mathematical computations. Students use a Pearson Learning Text for their statistics course that integrates a web-based spreadsheet that graphs their computations and presents statistical data. This training is helpful for when students begin to review evidenced-based research during journal article review and medical education presentations. They are better able to understand statistical significance and confidence intervals and read the graphs and charts that accompany many published scientific medical research.  

Utilizing the spreadsheet function saves students time over having to graph and plot variables, the multimedia display is engaging, visually appealing and increases student motivation to perform mathematical problems.  Spreadsheets are useful for instructors to track student progress, project grades and evaluate teaching strategies through data collection.  

Spreadsheet functions are integrated into many LMS (learning management systems) such as Blackboard to perform these functions. Spreadsheets can also be used to manage funds in addition to our annual budget for faculty, adjunct instructors and lab fees the department can receive additional monies through fundraising efforts and donations and grants. For more information click here to view an informative video about spreadsheet basics.

Presentation software allows instructors to create engaging, stimulating educational content.  Incorporated multimedia, video, and links can transform educational instruction from a strictly class-based activity to an available lesson anywhere students have an internet connection. Students utilize the software to create artifacts of their learning, to publicly demonstrate them to classmates and the community.

The senior respiratory students complete a project-based learning activity as a culminating activity for their senior seminar class.  The software helps them organize their thoughts about the topic and helps them communicate more complex information more quickly and clearly. Students journal their work on images, videos, and documents that are later shared in the presentation.  Students are engaged and enjoy creating this artifact which is a powerful platform allowing each student or student group to share their experience in a unique, vibrant way. Presentation software has also been demonstrated to be a superior teaching method in healthcare education (Del & Foster, 2001)

Successful use of software tools requires institutional training to re-mediate the inequality among student knowledge with the suite software applications.  Applications that support document co-creation and resource sharing “create intrinsically motivating learning opportunities that have the potential to help students develop the skills and dispositions needed to be effective lifelong learners”, a necessary skill for post-secondary education in professions. (Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2013)

The experience that I have with utilizing the basic software supports the benefits stated, students have increased motivation to begin writing and calculating, they feel encouraged by the collaborative platform and welcome preliminary feedback to assist in guiding them on their path to developing their finished product. They are more engaged in the classroom environment with the integration of multimedia into presentation software instructional modules and desire to obtain the skills that will be necessary for their careers in the future.  Healthcare is under rapid transformation, and the integration of health information technologies with electronic medical record system and medication administration applications are placing a greater emphasis on digital age skills traditionally used in the business fields onto healthcare professionals.”Google’s applications and services have the potential to increase productivity and enhance services in a hospital or health care libraries” (Hoy & Brigham, 2014).  To engage our students, involve them, help them collaborate and integrate 21st-century skills into their competencies we must integrate primary software suite applications as foundational skill requirements for postsecondary graduates.

For more information about technology tools available and their relative advantage visit my reference page here.

An example of integrating documents into a lesson
An example of integrating spreadsheets into a lesson
An example of integrating presentations into a lesson

Del S., Foster, T. (September 1, 2001). Laptop computers and multimedia and presentation software. Journal of research on technology in education, 33(1), 29-37.

Dunlap, J. C., & Lowenthal, P. R. (2013). Learning, Unlearning, and Relearning: Using Web 2.0 Technologies to Support the. IT Policy and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 170-187.

Hoy, M. B. (January 01, 2014). EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Matthew B. Hoy and Tara Brigham, Column Editors. Taking advantage of Google’s web-based applications and services. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 33(2),320-326. DOI:10.1080/02763869.2014.897521

Luo, J., Boland, R., Chan C.H. (2013). How to use technology in educational innovation. Roberts, MD, MA, Laura Weiss (pp. 117-123) In Academic Medicine Handbook: A Guide to Achievement and Fulfillment for Academic Faculty. Retrieved from

Roblyer, M. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th ed.). Massachusetts: Pearson.


2 thoughts on “Creation Calculation and Presentation

  1. Hi Amy,

    I enjoyed reading your perspective on the basic software suite and how you use it in your profession. I teach math and so I have never had a students work on a project in Google Docs, but I really like the way you used that to provide formative feedback to your students.

    I found it interesting that you found a study which says that using presentation software is more effective in healthcare education. The conclusion that Roblyer (2016) came to was that presentation software was not more or less effective and that it really depended on the education and skill of the presenter. I would be curious to know in what context the presentation software was being used in that study. Was it to educate healthcare providers or to educate patients?

    Thanks for letting me read your blog.

    Cindy Goodwill

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cindy,
    Two groups of high school students alternately used laptop computers with multimedia and
    presentation software to study anatomy and physiology content t the students benefited from
    creating presentations over other methods. The study pertained to health science foundational curriculum. Other studies as Roblyer points our are inconclusive. During my examination of presentation software, I found several articles that supported presentation software. Several were associated with project-based learning activities.


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