PBL Project & Reflection

After having completed the exercises in building my PBL unit, I feel that I have a solid understanding of what the essential design elements for a PBL project entail and a good knowledge of how to accomplish them. The entry event poses the challenging question or problem, the sub-questions and scaffolding provide a framework for … More PBL Project & Reflection

Ownership, Accountability and Assessment

A well-designed project-based-learning activity has a well thought out driving question, an engaging entry event and careful scaffolding with assessments to conduct periodic assessment of student progress and learning.  Project-based learning employs a paradigm shift away from traditional teacher-led and focused learning.  Through sustained inquiry and engaging activities, PBL encourages students to become more self-directed.  They are … More Ownership, Accountability and Assessment

Integrating PBL into Respiratory Education

CC BY-SA 3.0 NY Integrating PBL successfully calls for a paradigm shift in the role of the educator.  The major responsibilities change from being a provider of information to a facilitator of a critical inquiry process.  Learning becomes student centered and student driven, facilitated by instructor guidance and support. Major roles shift from didactic lecturing … More Integrating PBL into Respiratory Education

Planning & Resources

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires ~(Brainy Quote) Planning in project-based learning is paramount is instructors are to become engaged facilitators of learning.  Throughout the development of my own PBL project, I can envision multiple additional resources, assessments, and scaffolds in addition to what is currently … More Planning & Resources

Effective Assessments

Project-based learning incorporates student voice and choice.  One of the ways students are empowered and take ownership of their learning is through assessments.  Self-assessments and Peer assessments are effective tools to promote student engagement and accountability. The assessments measure student performance and achievement. The rubrics made available from the beginning of the project provide clear … More Effective Assessments