Theoretical Foundations – Course Reflection

The course content was what I expected, however, what I did not expect was the way the materials were presented. In modules vs. by the week. This format, which I overlooked until well into the course, required us as individuals to plan our timelines and deliverables. The beginning of the course seemed to progress slowly, and since mid-semester, it has been a race to keep up. I was surprised by the … More Theoretical Foundations – Course Reflection

Distributed Cognition AKA Distributed Learning Intelligence

Distribution of cognition (DC) represents the socio-material context of cognitive development which occurs outside the individual and aligns strongly with empiricism and cognitivist theory that emphasizes the role that environmental conditions play in facilitating learning (Philosophy). Similar to constructivist theory, distributed cognition theory believes that the relevancy of the learning context is essential. Distributed cognition … More Distributed Cognition AKA Distributed Learning Intelligence