Checking In

Keeping the Timeline – as a mature MET student, I have learned that instructional design, project development and many of the other responsibilities of an educational technologist require proficiency in several skills, organization, time management, professionalism, interpersonal skills and oh did I mention time management? Where has the time this semester went?


So far to date, I have compiled a list of all my artifacts. Additionally, since I have taken a year off and forgotten some of the projects, I researched and located the links to all culminating activities and significant documents (e.g., 503 & 505 documents).
I have created an Artifacts/AECT alignment document for each of my courses. Within this document, each artifact is hyperlinked to the document.

I have also created a shared artifact folder on my Google Drive so that when I am ready to upload/embed or link the chosen artifacts for each of my indicators to my portfolio, they will be in one place. I am having a lot of anxiety about choosing the best artifact for each indicator; I feel that I have so many artifacts, it is making it difficult to narrow my choices. Additionally, I want to be sure that I don’t overuse any one artifact. So I keep changing my mind on which is best for each indicator. I am going to review some of the recent student sites to help me gain some better focus. My primary objective is to get the artifact alignment table completed by the end of the weekend.

I have created a template folder for the rationale, reflection, and the preliminary writing activity templates. The artifact alignment table is currently embedded into my WordPress website I will complete that on the site instead of on a google doc in my folder.

My Portfolio site:

I reconfigured my WordPress site menu to accommodate the portfolio. I chose to make it a part of my WordPress learning log site because I thought it was appropriate that parties have access to my learning logs and course list (with associated syllabi, artifacts, and relevant links) without having to travel to an external site. I am unsure if this is a good idea. Should a portfolio be separate from more personal artifacts such as learning logs? Should I link a Google created site to the WordPress Learning Log site as I have with my other artifacts? For now, my Portfolio site is embedded within my WordPress Learning Log site.

I have reviewed all the course documents, and am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the rationale and reflection papers. I have printed the rubrics and will review some student examples. I feel confident in my APA formatting, however as a science major in healthcare my writing skills are not the best. We have a bad rap on the hospital side for our poor spelling/writing skills. I think that the outline will help keep me focused and I will use the writing tools provided in the important information folder. I plan on using Grammarly to help with these issues. I tend to be wordy so keeping the rationale paragraphs to 150-300 words per indicator may be difficult, but I am going to take the suggestion given to focus on how the artifact supports the indicator and talk less about the artifact itself.

The video assignments seem like they will be fun. Once I finish the artifact table alignment, I will begin compiling links, images, videos of the artifacts I choose for each of the sections. I plan on than writing the rationale paper and then completing the vignettes. I have explored several video editing options with iMovie and have practiced creating a couple of videos with edits. I am feeling relatively confident with the video production aspect of this assignment. The length of the videos may give me some trouble, but I have found that if I repeat the video several times, I naturally cut out what is less important and stick to the objectives.

I am glad that we are going to have the preliminary writing review that is due 6/21 – this will help me get started on my rationale and reflection papers. I will begin each of those artifacts as outlined and continue to complete the rationale paper and two lessons learned with at least 6 references and two completed videos for the Alpha portfolio due on 6/28!

I have printed the project-management timeline, and this is helping me see the global picture. A majority of the work needs to be done up front so that peer review and feedback can be completed. I am nervous about the timeline since my son is undergoing major surgery tomorrow. There is a lot of work to still be done. Yikes!

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By: 95C

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