Alpha Portfolio Submission & Peer Review

Project management requires time management. Despite obstacles and challenges over the past month with my son’s health, I managed to stay relatively on track, but not without long days and nights spending composing my rationale and reflection papers. I especially liked this week’s meme which looked like a crazed owl professor with a torn shirt I felt as bad as he looked, and I probably looked just as bad also. After receiving an extension due to the unfortunate circumstances with my son. I finished Tuesday night submitting my alpha portfolio officially onto Moodle. Of course, I emailed my peer-reviewers documents as they were being completed so they would not have to wait until all components were completed. They could begin reviewing portions of my Alpha portfolio a little earlier. Still, the fact that I had the extension weighed on my heart, and I felt the obligation to get done as quickly as possible, in retrospect, it was good that I did, because peer reviews were also due this week.

I had the pleasure of reviewing two classmates portfolios, and from examining their artifacts with the provided rubric, I was able to glean insights into deficiencies in my alpha portfolio along the way. I took some notes, saved some files so that hopefully I can revise my rationale and reflection papers to meet the expected standard. The first of my reviewers was very complimentary, providing no real insight or helpful suggestions on how to improve my portfolio. I was hoping for some significant constructive criticism. I am always very hard on myself, an overachiever and because of this, I have been up nights thinking of what I could do, and what I could do better. Obtaining my MET is so important that I cannot bear failing this course. My life has been a series of culminating events leading me to pursue this degree, and I want to walk away confidently being able to state that I am indeed an Educational Technologist as well as an educator in respiratory care. I am getting a little off track here, but I am reflecting from the heart and this week has been very stressful, so it’s bringing out a little rambling. Sorry about that. Now, where was I, oh yes, formative evaluation and allowing for reflection. Not only does formative evaluation allow for reflection, but it also provides examples of others ideas from which to construct my perspective. Reading and reviewing others statements and artifacts helped me see the standards from a clearer perspective. When I was writing, I was focused on worrying about if I was saying the right thing versus reading the standard, and writing from my heart. My revisions will include some personal, relaxed views of the artifacts vs. trying to get it “perfect.” I think that this will allow me to produce better statements for my rationale and videos.

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