

Amy Hogan
Graduate Student Boise State University – MET Program


I am a wife, mother, educator and respiratory therapist who is passionate about family , educating and the profession of respiratory care.


Email :amyhoganrrt@gmail.com


The undergraduate projects that I created prompted me to consider more seriously the importance of technology in education. Knowledge is only as powerful as the ability to share it in a meaningful and accessible way. Technology in itself does not enhance teaching and learning; just as owning an expensive camera doesn’t make someone a professional photographer. As educators, we have an increasing number of technology tools available.  Training for these resources is limited and prescriptive. My desire is to improve my foundational knowledge of technology so that I may be able to utilize the tools and resources available to me effectively.​

Healthcare education historically has incorporated technology into teaching.  Science labs, simulations and other technology-rich integration strategies to learn abstract curricular content are commonplace in healthcare education.  I am not a digital native, and I struggled to integrate effectively technology practices into my teaching.  As I struggled to integrate new strategies for teaching described in the literature, I knew my lack of technology training was an obstacle to effective teaching.   I enrolled in Boise State’s Mater’s of Educational Technology Program in the Summer of 2015 and pursued a M.E.T with certifications in Technology Integration and Adult Online Teaching.

In 2015, the AARC issued a new RT Education Position Statement that calls for a shift to RT bachelor’s degree entry requirement for practice in the field. Many practicing RTs will be seeking to complete their bachelor’s degrees. Online education offers a flexible, accessible and a cost-efficient means of degree completion.


Undergraduate/ 2013-2015

I am pleased to be able to share some of my first projects with you. These artifacts fueled my desire to learn more about effectively integrating technology into education. The palliative care project was a group project. I designed with a web-based platform for the content. The COPD/Asthma website is a work in progress and the Teaching Techniques site was my first attempt at creating a website. The content was coursework for an undergraduate teaching techniques course.


finger manipulating a touchscreen computer

I think the most important lesson I learned in the MET program was that successful integration of technology requires careful planning, implementation, and evaluation. Beginning with the end in mind by utilizing technology to achieve specific goals and objectives is the essential first step. Appropriate integration of technology allows me to be a more effective teacher and allows me to create content that motivates my students to be more active learners. It is through the professional use of educational technology that one can hope to improve teaching and learning.

Peruse this blog site to learn about my journey through Boise State’s educational technology program.  I enjoy feedback and comments.  I also encourage you to share your knowledge with me so that I may continue to grow and learn.  If you would like to connect outside of this forum, you can access my social media links on the learning log sidebar.

Thanks for visiting.