Teaching and Learning in the Online Environment for Adult Learners

What is andragogy and how does andragogy relate to online teaching and learning? “Andragogy describes a learner-centered approach to learning in which the adult learner determines the goals for learning and how they will be achieved” (Starvedes, 2011, p.13). It is both an art (social perspective) and a science (psychological perspective) of adult learning. This … More Teaching and Learning in the Online Environment for Adult Learners

Accessibility Features for Windows 10

Many of us take our vision, hearing and physical and emotional abilities for granted.  We often forget that there are obstacles that people with different abilities must overcome to access the same resources. Computer technology can be made more accessible by modifications to hardware and software. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) advocates for technology … More Accessibility Features for Windows 10

Simulation Technology for Respiratory Education – Challenges and Solutions

By Karn-b – Karn G. Bulsuk (http://www.bulsuk.com). Originally published at http://www.bulsuk.com/2009/02/taking-first-step-with-pdca.html – Own work, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5243412 Discussing challenges of implementing technology is essential if we are to have effective implementation of technology into education and continued process improvement.  A successful plan uses research, planning, implementation and evaluation.  The evaluation phase not only includes evaluation … More Simulation Technology for Respiratory Education – Challenges and Solutions

The Relative Advantage of Integrating Technology into Respiratory Education

The desire in the healthcare community to embrace educational transformation and utilization of technologies to strenghthen not only local but global healthcare education is evidenced in a report from the Health Professionals for the 21st Centruy, a global independent community. The commission seeks to have “valued outcome, transformative learning involving three fundamental shifts: from fact … More The Relative Advantage of Integrating Technology into Respiratory Education

An Epic win for Gaming in Healthcare Patient Education

The Institute of Medicine first published To Err is Human in November 1999, with a goal of building a safer healthcare delivery system.  The report revealed shocking statistics on preventable medical errors calculating as many as 98,000 people die incurring as much as $29 Billion a year in associated costs. As respiratory professionals patient education … More An Epic win for Gaming in Healthcare Patient Education

Breaking down Walled Gardens in Higher Education

Visit my voice thread blog at: https://voicethread.com/app/player/?threadId=7618834   Reflection: Without any previous experience of using social media in the classroom, completing this assignment opened my mind to possibilities of incorporating social media in very useful ways.  Before researching this topic, experience with social media and education was limited to experiencing it as a distraction.  During class … More Breaking down Walled Gardens in Higher Education

Acceptable Use of Information Systems

  An Overview: AUPs are created for students, faculty and staff of institutions. The AUP serves as a contractual agreement between the users of technology and the governing institution. (Roblyer, 2016) The contents are designed to inform users of the institution’s expectations, teach individuals responsible use practices. Many of the documents are tied to the … More Acceptable Use of Information Systems

Advantages of Multimedia

My first attempt at a video blog integrating screencasting and video.  I am working on learning how to incorporate a green screen.  I have come to the conclusion that it would probably have been less scripted had I incorporated some personal examples. Becoming comfortable with the software tool is also very important.  The lack of … More Advantages of Multimedia

Creation Calculation and Presentation

The basic software suite consists of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation tools. Word processing programs and desktop publishing software are used by students and educators to create documents. (Roblyer p.112) Spreadsheet tools are used to organize and manipulate numerical data (Roblyer p. 121), and presentation software is used to display information such as text, images, … More Creation Calculation and Presentation

Instructional Software Options and Uses In Healthcare

Instructional Software, Not to be confused with Instructional Tools When discussing instructional software, it is important to point out the difference between instructional software used for learning and instructional tools which assist learning. Instructional software is used to deliver or support instruction, unlike software tools which enhance or support instructional activities. You can combine both types … More Instructional Software Options and Uses In Healthcare