Checking In

Keeping the Timeline – as a mature MET student, I have learned that instructional design, project development and many of the other responsibilities of an educational technologist require proficiency in several skills, organization, time management, professionalism, interpersonal skills and oh did I mention time management? Where has the time this semester went? So far to … More Checking In

Artifacts and AECT Standards

Combing through a sea of artifacts created throughout my journey in the MET program, we were charged to align these artifacts to the 2012 AECT standards. There are five standards. (Content Knowledge, Content Pedagogy, Learning Environments, Professional Knowledge and Skills and Research) Each of the standards is supported by specific indicators. (Creating, Using, Assessing/Evaluating, Managing, … More Artifacts and AECT Standards

Portfolio Introductions

Throughout the MET program, each course has begun with introductions, whether it be an online discussion forum, creating a presentation or video introduction that describes who we are and why we are in the program. These first activities help foster a community of practice among students in our class. We identify with each through similarities … More Portfolio Introductions

Teaching and Learning in the Online Environment for Adult Learners

What is andragogy and how does andragogy relate to online teaching and learning? “Andragogy describes a learner-centered approach to learning in which the adult learner determines the goals for learning and how they will be achieved” (Starvedes, 2011, p.13). It is both an art (social perspective) and a science (psychological perspective) of adult learning. This … More Teaching and Learning in the Online Environment for Adult Learners

App Creation – Hand & Eye Coordination

Well, what should have taken me a little over an hour took all day! First, wifi spotty, in and out making testing and troubleshooting my modifications nearly impossible. Next, I received an “Unfortunately the app installer has stopped working” error when trying to download the app to verify the QR code. Evidently, if your icon image … More App Creation – Hand & Eye Coordination

Theoretical Foundations – Course Reflection

The course content was what I expected, however, what I did not expect was the way the materials were presented. In modules vs. by the week. This format, which I overlooked until well into the course, required us as individuals to plan our timelines and deliverables. The beginning of the course seemed to progress slowly, and since mid-semester, it has been a race to keep up. I was surprised by the … More Theoretical Foundations – Course Reflection