

The Master of Educational Technology is our professional degree, focusing on skills for improved performance at all levels of education, in the classroom and beyond.

Coursework focuses on theoretical foundations, hands-on technology skills, and integration strategies for today’s learning environments. All M.E.T. students will complete a Portfolio as their Culminating Activity.

EDTECH 501 – Introduction to Educational Technology
Overview of the field of educational technology emphasizing current issues, leadership in technology use, planning and evaluation/synthesis of research.




Learning Logs

EDTECH 502 – The Internet for Educators
Locate, retrieve, and evaluate information found on the Internet. Design and produce instructional Web pages using a combination of software and HTML/XHTML/CSS code. Apply appropriate instructional strategies and models to the design of digital curriculum.


Course Website

EdTech Homepage

Learning Logs

EDTECH 503 – Instructional Design for Educators
Focuses on the systematic design of instruction and alternative models. Project required. The overall goal for the course is for each student to consider and use the systematic process of instructional design to create an instructional product.


Instructional Design Project with IRB approval 

Synthesis  Reflection Paper

Learning Logs

EDTECH 504 – Theoretical Foundations for Educational Technology
Overview of classic and contemporary theories of learning and their applications in educational technology and emerging orientations; implications for practice.


Final Synthesis Paper

Learning Logs

EDTECH 505 – Evaluation for Educational Technologists
Procedures for evaluating educational programs, training systems, and emergent-technology applications.


Project Proposal document

Reading Reflection Critique of an Evaluation Report

Data and Analysis 1

Data and Analysis 2

Evaluation Models

Websites on Evaluation

Final Evaluation Report

Learning Log

EDTECH 592 – Portfolio
A broad-based selection of significant student work that is used to appraise student performance and professional development. A portfolio reflects the depth and breadth of a student’s educational growth since entering the graduate program. Artifacts include but are not limited to classroom examinations, journals, writing samples, publishable scholarship, professional projects, annotated bibliographies, and artistic endeavors.


Course Website

Learning Logs


In addition to EDTECH 502, the following coursework was completed toward obtaining a certificate in Online Teaching with an adult learner emphasis.

512 -Online Course Design
Emphasizes web-based instructional design for the development of online courses. Consideration is given to various models of online delivery, content organization and presentation, and graphic design. Course participants will create a fully-developed online course.


Course Website

Learning Logs

522 – Online Teaching for Adult Learners
Emphasizes andragogy and best practice in online teaching, analyzing online teaching tools, planning, facilitating, and assessing collaborative and interactive e-learning experiences, and gaining practical experience teaching online.


Learning Logs


In addition to EDTECH 502, the following coursework was completed toward obtaining a certificate in Technology Integration.

541 – Integrating Technology into the Classroom Curriculum
Examination and practice in technology integration strategies in classroom environments, using various application, instructional, and productivity software, evaluating tools and resources and developing integrated instructional activities.


Course Website

Learning Logs

542 – Technology-Supported Project-Based Learning
Examines the Project-Based Learning Model, including the development of PBL-based instructional units that engage learners in projects requiring investigation, analysis, synthesis, and presentation in real-world scenarios.


Course Website

Learning Logs


Of the five elective courses, this is the only course that did not contribute to the acquisition of a certificate degree. I chose this course because most of my student population use mobile devices for learning and communicating.

EDTECH 534 – Mobile App Design for Teaching and Learning
Candidates collaborate with their peers and subject matter experts to analyze learners, develop and design instruction, and evaluate its impact on learners.